Monday, September 10, 2007

Starting to Move In

Omigod, we go so much done today. My sister kicks so much moving ass. And my mom unpacked and organized the kitchen. it is so a may zing. all the artwork, all the kitchenshit, all kinds o' miscellaneous crapola is all moved in and unpacked IN ONE DAY. If you, American Home Owner, wish you could move quickly, you wish you had my sister as YOUR sister. And my mom as your mom. Other than the furniture, we have already moved, in one day, with a bunch of boxes and tubs. I love these people. And - my husband. who has no interest in home ownership, bought an electric powerwasher, burned it out, and returned it and graduated a gas-powered powerwasher all in one day. I can't wait to post the before and after pictures!!!!

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