What was I smoking? Yes, the tile was up, but jeez, the walls weren't done. But I did get some grout that looked great and got the wall tiles grouted. There are lots of websites that will walk you through the process better than I can, but here are the steps:
1. Spread the grout on the tiles.
2. Squish it into the spaces between the tiles with a tool called a grout float.

3. Wipe off the excess with a damp sponge. You will need to rinse the sponge frequently in a pan of water, wringing it out as much as you can so that you won't remove too much of the grout.
4. After about a half hour or so later, you will need to go back and scour off the dried haze with a scrubby thing - one of the scrubbing pads that won't scratch teflon off of a frying pan, but will clean it up; I forget what they are called. (but if your grout is light-colored, don't use a green one. get a white one that is sold in the tile aisle at hardware stores. little microscopic shreds of it break off and will get stuck in your grout and show up.)

The one in this picture is a sponge on one side, with a white scrubby part on the other side. It is important to do a good job of removing the grout from the tile surface now, but you don't want to scrub out the grout from the joints.
5. Let it dry overnight and give it a final buffing with the scrubby thing. I love this moment. It is so cool to see the finished, grouted tile. I have to keep going into the room and turning the light on to admire it. After another day or so, put a sealer on it. I used one that is a matte finish. I don't want this to be shiney. Now on to the floor.
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