I posted it before, but here it is again because I love to look at this toilet. I never thought I would say such a thing, but there it is. The space is very small (5' x 4'), and somehow it seems like this will fit better into a small box of a room. I'm also already enjoying how there are no surfaces way down on the floor that will collect dust or whatever. Just the floor, the seat, and the top of the tank.
I tried to download a picture from the Decolav website, but that function was disabled. So you can see it if you click here. I was in love with a half-moon shaped vanity I saw online, but I just was not sure how it would look with the plumbing coming out of the wall and into the side of the vanity. So I decided to go with this rectangular one. This way I know the pipes will not be visible. The End.
I am not sure if I will be able to use the square sink I bought from the Modern Danish site (via their ebay store). The top of this vanity has a large circle cut out that accomodates the sorta-squarish sink (shown in the photograph) that comes with it. If my very-squarey one fits, I will use that one, and if not, then I will just use the sorta-squarish one. I really want the very-squarey sink because it will be extremely cool with the very-squarey toilet. The vanity comes with a hole predrilled for the faucet, but I will have the faucet placed on the left side of the sink if that predrilled faucet hole doesn't show. And if the precut sink hole will still be covered, I will have the sink set slightly to the right of center.

After the stuff arrives, I will put it in the room and see what arrangement looks the best.
I first saw these online and fell in love with them, and found they carried them at the kitchen/bath store. The designer is George Kovacs and the brand is Minka. Again with the square theme. But one big difference with this light is that the shade is fabric. I think this will be a nice compelment to all the hard materials - tile and porcelain - and will soften it a bit. Also, I think this light fixture is pretty contemporary without going over the top, but the fabric aspect keeps it a shade (sorry) contemporary. I ordered it at the store, but they said it will be on backorder until the end of May. I have seen these online for quite a bit less money (less than half what I paid) so I may have to cancel that order and go with the online option for these.
The brushed nickel faucet is going to match the little 1" accent tiles that run along at the level of the sconces. I don't have a picture of the exact faucet I ordered, but it looks something like this, but with a bit more squarish style. And, like I said, it will be brushed nickel. I overpaid a bit on the faucet, but made up for it on the prices of the toilet and sink base, so it ends up being a satisfactory total.
So these will be delivered by the end of March. I will need another week to get the walls painted and tile installed, grouted and sealed, so that timing will be fine. As soon as I have a firm date for delivery I will schedule a plumber to come and install the toilet and sink. I have been mulling over that process and have decided I need to have a professional do this part of the job.
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