Wednesday, November 17, 2010
This is what happens when I can't tile bathrooms or kitchens . . . .
Now THAT is a renovation project!
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The view from the dining room window on the day the yellow crane assembled the black one. |
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The rainy day view from outside on the terrace. |
Monday, August 2, 2010
Enjoying the fruits of my labors
If the building weren't there, we would probably see the Washington Monument. |
Facing Westish, with Ballston in the background |
facing Northeast, with National Cathedral on the horizon |
looking at the terrace doors |
our fountain, and the materials for my next project - a cat tree |
Monday, June 14, 2010
The fence is MARVELOUS!
It has taken a while for this project to get to the top of the priority list for a variety of boring reasons - not least of which has been the STINKING HOT weather alternating with rain. Also, my original plan had "legs" that were 36" and a trial run immediately demonstrated that it was waaaay too top-heavy and unstable, especially when the wind was blowing. (by the way, the wind is almost always blowing on the 11th floor).
So last week I decided it was a priority and I got busy on it. But first I had to find a way to cut iron (or are they steel?) rods to shorten the legs. The way I originally designed it was with "off the rack" rods of some metal that was rusty so I know it has a high iron content ( I am not sure what the intended use is for these) from Lowe's. Fortuitously, I talked with a real estate agent who knew of an ironworks in Mannassas - about 17 miles outside of the metro DC area. [Shout-out to Steve Wydler: thanks for the tip; I owe you one!] So I drove out there and they were extremely helpful. A guy promptly cut my 36" rods into 18" pieces.
Got home ready to assemble, but then realized I now had to cut down all the copper tubing, too. That took another day or two because I couldn't find my cutting tool. Broke down and bought a new one at Cherrydale Hardware and did that (Tom helped - thank you, Tom).
Finally, I was able to try assembling it and find out if my design was going to be functional:
1. Rod goes into premade base.
2. Copper tubing goes over rod and plastic tube in base.
3. Figure out where the bases go, and figure out which end to start with since the fence panels need to link and make a 90ish degree turn. (Had to start over after putting up the first 6 panels.)
4. Put one side of a fence panel onto the leg by threading it down inside the copper tube and onto the rod. Then connect the other side to the adjacent panel.
It only took about 4 hours! Slightly longer than expected. Just one problem - I needed two more panels!! At first I was freaking out because Lowe's website was showing that this was unavailable at any Lowe's on the planet. But I finally talked to someone and we figured out that the website actually has the wrong item number (320832) where it should be 0320834. Turns out they had 45 in stock! So we made the trek to the Alexandria Lowe's on Saturday, and NOW it is complete. I have to say, it looks fantastic and seems to be very stable. And it helps enormously having these beautiful potted plants. There are a few spots where we will use some black cable ties to make sure the panels stay together, but that is really just preventive, not a structural defect.
We finally let the cats outside over the weekend, and they loved it just as much as we did - maybe even more.
p.s.: while we were at Lowe's, Tom decided he wants another tree, so we bought a big pot there. We found a tree we liked, but they were quite surly about delivering a tree and managed to talk us out of buying it there. (Another local nursery (whose initials coincidentally are "MF") also responded with a big "HUH?" when I inquired about planning and installing a rooftop garden.) So I will take that pot out to Cravens Nursery where they did the other plants for me. They happily helped me plan the plants, potted and delivered them via the freight elevator and put them out on the terrace, which was a big deal and a lot of work. Some people know how to do things, and some don't.
As soon as we let the cats go outside, they checked out everything and then rolled on the concrete pavers in the sun. We have already enjoyed some pretty spectacular sunsets. This picture was just before dusk when the light was not so harsh, but before the sky became really colorful. The cats especially love to go outside after the sun sets and it cools off. Most nights we have to go out and bring them inside at bedtime. And one of the best things is that it doesn't look like it was designed for cat containment - it is very pleasant and relaxing for humans, too!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Keeping Cats From Falling 11 Stories, part 2
These will be the decorative part of the legs for the fence around the terrace.
The hardware guy pointed out the little tool for cutting the pipes and said it would be easy. He wasn't kidding. You just mark the length you want to cut, clamp this tool around the pipe, and then swivel it around and around. After a few rotations, you tighten the clamp a bit more, and in a few minutes, the pipe is cut with a nice straight edge.
I needed a minimum of 21 pieces, but I cut about 5 extras, just in case I need them.
I also have a bunch of remnants that are about 4 inches shorter. I will figure out something to do with them after I assemble the fence. I have a new hobby looming on the horizon making something out of copper pipes. Besides fencing.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
How to Keep Cats from Falling 11 Stories
Another consideration: we have a neighbor right next to us with the same size terrace, so we can't block their view, i.e., no rolls of bamboo or woven grass fencing. And I don't want anything horrid out there, so that rules out of lot of options right off the bat - like chicken wire, chain link, etc. Plus there is the whole problem of how to anchor it on a concrete surface up in the sky. I had to come up with something novel. I think I have done just that, although I won't know for sure until I try to assemble it next week.
I literally spent a couple hours wandering in Lowe's going from the fencing to the plumbing to the hardware sections, working on the solution to this. The fencing I will use is this. Small enough holes so they can't get through it, so it just needs to be secure and tall. It is 44", and will overlap with the wall by about 6", so I will have an unclimbable (New Word Alert) barrier approaching 7'. Sharkey is a good jumper, but he can't clear 7'.
Now for the secure part: I have come up with an idea for legs that will substitute for stakes that need to be pushed into the ground. I will take some pictures of those next week when it is all set up.
What I want to show right now is how I made the anchoring base for the legs. I got all the $1 rectangular flower boxes I could find at local dollar stores (thanks for driving all around town with me, Dad), and five 50-pound bags of quick-setting concrete. I cut up some rigid plastic tubing from the plumbing department, and used silicone caulk to stand the tubing in the flower boxes. They leaned a bit sometimes, so I braced them up straighter with some gravel for the first few, but soon found it didn't matter.
I mixed up 10 pounds of the concrete with water and put it into each flower box. While putting the concrete into the box, I put a finger over the holes in the tubes to make sure concrete didn't get in there, and that they stayed where I wanted them to stay. I could straighten them up if they were still leaning. In some of the boxes I used only one tube, but in others I put two. More about that later. Quickcrete concrete mix sets up quickly, so it is best to mix up small batches that you can comfortably stir, carry and pour. And be sure you put the water in your mixing container first, then add the concrete powder. I used two old plastic cups that held about probably close to 8 ounces, one for water and one for the dry concrete mix.
Here is my recipe for about 10 pounds of mix (not including water and tile weight):
Put 2 and 3/4 cups of water in a bucket.
Add 3 cups of concrete mix and stir it with a gardening hand-trowel. The mix is powder and gravel, and will be very easy to stir at this point.
Add 3 more cups of concrete mix and stir it up just until there are no dry spots.
Add 3 more cups of concrete mix. Now it will be a bit more difficult to stir, but get everything in the bucket thoroughly wet.
Then add 1 last cup of concrete mix and stir it in completely. Scrape that gardening trowel on the edge of the bucket to remove the concrete. Then, drop into a second bucket full of water.
Now use a rectangular trowel, which you can find in the tile tools section. Scrape the sides and bottom of the bucket and give it a final stir.
You have about 5-10 minutes to get it into your mold or container before it starts to set up. Tamp it down with the trowel. Then immediately fill your mixing bucket with water, and drop the rectangular trowel into that water.
Top the concrete with some tiles, pressing them into the concrete but not so much that they "sink".
Now go back and rinse out the mixing bucket and both of the trowels, and you are ready to mix up the next batch.
After about 10 minutes or so (just about when you get the next one poured), go back and verify that the tube is standing as perpendicular as you can get it. I threade a long rod down into the hole and "eyeballed' whether it appeared to be straight. You can adjust it a bit and jiggle the container to get the concrete to settle around it in its new position.
I love the way the tiles gave them a 'finished' look. I especially love the ones with these green/blue and white river rocks. What is it about rocks? I just love them.
I got these as samples and intended to use them for the floor of a shower, but that was one of the projects I never got to do. So I am glad to have these portable works of "art" to take with me!
Here's the line-up about halfway through the process.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Why do so many toothbrushes look like they're made by Fisher Price?

Sunday, March 21, 2010
Final pictures of the living room area

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Kitchen of the Year
I was sure I would have to gut the kitchen to get results like this. Okay, yes, the appliances are all new, but otherwise it is just new doors, hardware and countertops, and a mosaic tile backsplash that marries all the colors together. I am flabbergasted that this was less than $10,000 when the average kitchen reno comes in over $25,ooo.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Big Change of Plans
Friday, February 26, 2010
My Review of White Canvas 24" Wide Four Light Pendant Chandelier
Originally submitted at Lamps Plus
Modern simplicity is exemplified by this drum shade pendant chandelier. A 1/8" thick acrylic diffuser at the bottom of the shade prevents glare. The design includes extra cable and cord for a versatile hanging height.
- 10 feet adjustable overall hanging height.
- 32" pre-set...
Pros: Quality Construction, Great Illumination, Easy To Hang, Easy To Change Bulb, Attractive Design, Stable Design
Best Uses: Over Table, High Ceilings, Primary Light Source, Decoration
Describe Yourself: Midrange Shopper
Pros: This is over my dining room table in an open floor plan and works perfectly. It makes a striking statement, but doesn't get in the way or look as showy or ridiculous as some designs might. The shade does not obstruct the view across the room because it is not very tall. It is an outstanding choice for a space that is modern or transitional, which are the two styles I needed to encompass. I wish there was a smaller "mini-pendant" version for my kitchen island. A smaller version would also have been just what i wanted for the reading lights on each side of our bed.
Cons: It is a bit tricky getting the shade leveled with the 4 suspension wires, but it is worth messing around with. the adjustment mechanism is easy to operate, so it just takes some time and patience. (Beside the obvious reason, it has to be leveled so the diffuser inside won't look crooked when the light is on.) i will point out that the center electrical cord should be longer than the 4 suspension wires. My electrician installed it with that cord hanging straight. I had to ask him to adjust it so it would have that graceful sigmoidal curve, which meant it ended up a bit higher than i had intended it to be, but that is an insignificant detail when the fixture is so beautiful.
I chose this partly because i am getting ready to sell the house and wanted it to be stylish but not over the top. We are moving to an apartment and I wish I could take this with us.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
My Review of Tiburon Halogen 22" Wide Bathroom Light Fixture
Originally submitted at Lamps Plus
From Minka Lavery, this bathroom light fixture features a brushed nickel finish and etched opal glass. The trio of lights are adjustable side by side only.
- Extends 8 3/4" from the wall.
- 6 1/2" high.
- 22" wide.
- Includes three 40 watt G-8 halogen bul...
Beautiful and versatile fixture!
Pros: Attractive Design, Quality Construction, Great Value, Great Illumination
Best Uses: Small Rooms, Primary Light Source, Decoration
Describe Yourself: Midrange Shopper
This works well over a wall-mounted medicine cabinet because the lights extend out from the wall enough to shine in FRONT of the mirror, rather than along the top of the medicine cabinet like several others I tried to use. It is not obvious from the photographs on-line that it has that "reach". Also, each lamp "unit" can swivel in any direction, independent of the others, so you can tilt one or two toward the mirror, another toward the shower, etc. Each one can rotate and point up to the ceiling if you would rather have indirect lighting.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Stone is The Best